• swamishivartha@shivomatrust.org

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1. A Promising New Herbal Combination For Treating Diabetes Mellitus Type II :
Publication : International Journal of Innovation in Engineering Research & Management
Date : March 2018
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Publication : International Journal of Innovation in Engineering Research & Management
Date : March 2018
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3. Effect of Yoga Hand Mudra on Hypothyroid Patients :
Publication : Research Journal of Recent Sciences
Date : January 2018

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4. Book Hastmudra Vigyan- Bhag 1 (in hindi ):
Publication : Shivoma
Date : November 2017
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5. Book An emergency tool for controlling high and low Blood Pressure ('D' Yoga Hand Mudra) :
Publication : Shivoma
Date : May 2017
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6. Book An emergency tool for preventing heart attack ('V' Yoga Hand Mudra) :
Publication : Shivoma
Date : January 2018
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7. Effect of Hastayogamudra on heart and brain parameters in preventing heart attack:
Publication : Research Journal of Language, Literature and Humanities
Date : April 2017
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8. Effect of Yoga Hand Mudra on Cardiac and Neurological parameters in preventing Heart Attack :
Publication : Research Journal of Recent Sciences
Date : February 2017
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9. Effect of Yoga Hand Mudra for Controlling HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE :
Publication : Research Journal of Recent Sciences
Date : February 2016
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