• swamishivartha@shivomatrust.org

Eco- Activism

1. Undertake tree plantation campaign every year on and till date have planted 50000 trees approx.

2. Organizing special sessions of awareness for purifying the environment through‘Agnihotra’ and ‘Vedic Yagyas (monthly 10 yagyas approx) and Mantras’.

3. Promoting conservation and preservation of trees through transplantation till date have transplanted 1000 trees approx.

4. Mass educational awareness on importance of trees of different biological families through religious practices during Hindu festivals by worshipping them and chanting Vedic mantras.

5. Spreading compassion and love for animal life through Vedic practices in normal life by feeding the fishes in the river, taking a portion of our meal for the cow, the ant, the crow and the dog thus saving them from starvation and providing water and grains for the birds supporting their survival. Also donating pots (4000 pots per year) for birds being a part of the Daana Paani campaign during summer in the urban life of the cities.